I'm sure we've all seen a movie at the theater and said, "I want to own this movie!" Sure, it's easy enough to rent movies from Redbox, but what about when you're not able to go out? Luckily, there are many options available for downloading movies straight from the internet. This post will cover some of the best ways to download your favorite actors' latest blockbuster! Many people may know that YouTube has a library of full-length TV shows and movies in HD video. The thing is many of these files are encoded in formats not compatible with most smartphones, tablets, or computer operating systems. YouTube currently hosts "The Interview" for download in 1080p, though it is posted under the Creative Commons license. Other movies like "Snowpiercer" and "Saving Mr. Banks" are also available on YouTube HD (1080p) for download through different channels. Wherever possible I will link to the channel where you can download the file which contains the movie in its original aspect ratio (AR). Many major motion pictures can be purchased directly through Apple's iTunes store for instant download in HD (1080p). Many of these purchased files will come bundled with extras like director commentary or deleted scenes. However, not all of the movies on iTunes are available to download. Many movie purchases are tied to Apple's digital rights management (DRM) process. This technology restricts the way you can use the movie once downloaded on your computer. iTunes also offers a high-def version of some produced movies that are not sold on Apple's mobile devices or are only sold via DVD or Blu-ray. These movies are encoded in wide screen 1080p format. However, some of these films have had issues with their audio tracks which causes crackling noises during playback. Movies like "The Expendables 3" can be purchased directly from iTunes with both English and Spanish subtitles included. Many people who have a Netflix subscription may think they have to sync their Netflix to a Blu-Ray player in order to access the vast amount of content available. Although you can download movies from Netflix in HD, you don't have to own a Blu-Ray player in order to play protected files. In order to download movies from Netflix, you must first add the movie(s) through your account. Once added, you can select the film and click "Download Now" to make a copy for offline viewing. When you click this button it will automatically download onto your computer or mobile device ready for playback. If a file is currently unavailable, it will appear greyed out in your computer's download directory until it becomes available again. Many major motion pictures are also available on Amazon Instant Video. Unlike other services, Amazon instant video is not restricted by copyright so you can freely upload or download any of the movies shown. Most movies are encoded in 1080p quality with the ability to choose the display format (HD, SD, QC). They come with subtitles in English and sometimes French. Prime Instant Video also has a large number of movies available for streaming and downloading. Many of these files can be downloaded directly to a device without a computer needed. Many of these files are not available on every country's Amazon site, but they will still appear on your screen if you select "Amazon Instant Video" from your country's location during purchasing.
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